Big Boy Beers

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Black Albert - De Struise Brouwers

• Keith’s Corner •
This week’s offering is Black Albert from de Struise Brouwers in Belgium. Originally brewed for the world famous Ebenezer’s Pub in Lovell, ME, this Belgian Royal Stout pours with a slight head and soft carbonation. Black as night, dark crimson hues can be seen on the surface when your glass is held up to the light.

Sticking your nose in the glass you smell dark chocolate, light piney hops, sweet roasted malt and expresso. Upon your first sip you experience a perfect balance of roasted malt and hops with notes of toffee, chocolate, malted milk balls and vanilla. Mouthfeel is exceptional with plenty of viscosity but the 13% ABV somehow remains at bay. One of the top beers in the world! 🍻