Big Boy Beers

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Extra Extra Juicy Bits

• Extra Extra Juicy Bits •

Style: DDH Double IPA

ABV: 8.6%

Brewery: @weldwerksbrewing


Extra Extra, Drink All About It! Blasting into the New Hampshire craft scene is one of the most renowned Double IPA’s ever produced and distributed. Honored with the Gold Medal for best Hazy DIPA at the 2019 Great American Beer Fest; it’s Extra Extra Juicy Bits!

This masterfully created, often imitated but never duplicated DDH India Pale is bursting with tropical flavors which are exuded by elevated doses of Citra, El Dorado and Mosaic! Providing an ever pillowy mouthfeel, the cascade of flavor is never ending from initial scent to the final drop!

Limited stock may still be available throughout the state, but don’t fret - a fresh batch will be available mid January! 🍻


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