Gonic - Proper Pal Ale Lager

• Keith’s Corner •
Hi everyone!

Allow me to introduce myself to those of you who may not know me. My name is Keith Rogers; I’m the Sales Director at Big Boy Beers, and we are going to use this corner to let all of you know about some of the latest and greatest beer releases from breweries within our portfolio.

What better way to start this off than with Gonic Proper from Back Hill out of Rochester, NH who just began statewide distribution with us on Monday. Let’s get to the beer!:

This outstanding example of an American Lager pours with a rocky white head atop a straw colored, well carbonated body. On the nose, fresh baked bread and biscuit are divined from the use of high quality Pilsner malt. Light citrus and flowery notes of Adeena hops complement the malt base- a rather bohemian and refreshing take on the style. On the palette, the nose is echoed while adding slight notes of verbena and lemon drop. Lacing is slight with each refreshing sip

Eminently drinkable at 5.5% abv., this fine lager is perfect for the longer days of Spring, the start of baseball season and good times with friends and family. 🍻

Christopher Ingham